Realized we are not "bloggers"; Visit our forum for the latest news. October 13 2019

Hello and welcome to the first new blog post on since 2016!

Whether this is your first visit or if you are a long time customer or fan of UpTone products, you can see that web site design/updating and active news blogging are things that very rarely occur here. 

Only when we release a new product or think to add a link or two to a review do our web pages receive any attention.  That's because we have no "Marketing" staff, and little time to do much more than produce and ship our unique products—and to provide personal pre- and post-sale support.

Although I neglect this blog page (well, 3 years since the last post is not neglect, it's abandonment! ;-)), there is always lots going on with our company. And the news does get shared—just not here.  That's because it is more fun to interact with audio enthusiasts directly.  

So I am writing what is likely to become the last blog post here for a while (hopefully not another 3 year gap), because I want to urge you to keep up with UpTone news and to engage with us in our sponsored forum at Audiophile Style (formerly

There you will find active discussion of the EtherREGEN development project and the launch, as well as threads containing user questions and listening impressions about all our fine products.

Hope to meet you all there!